pre-Conceive by Pillar Healthcare
Pillar Healthcare Limited is the producer of pre-Conceive. Pillar Healthcare was founded in Ireland in 2012, with the specific aim of providing a viable solution to the growing incidence of infertility across the globe.
pre-Conceive was launched in 2014 and has helped thousands of couples on their fertility journey over the last ten years.

How it Started
Prior to Pillar Healthcare’s incorporation, our founder, Mark had been working with couples that had been diagnosed as infertile and saw the devastation that this news brought with it.
In working with these couples to overcome their diagnoses, the origins of pre-Conceive was unintentionally developed. By increasing the nutritional health of these couples, like in most disease states, there was a return to normal fecundity levels in the couples. These successes laid the foundation to begin the examination into the concept of producing a nutritional aid that could improve male and female fertility.

Expert Development
The development process for pre-Conceive took over three years to complete. Thousands of research papers were examined, medical, fertility, and nutrition experts were consulted, various iterations of the formula were produced and examined, all in the hope that an effective solution could be developed.
When the formulation was finally ready, the team commissioned an independent clinical examination of the formula to see if it could correct fertility issues in men and women.
The results of this study, a landmark example of the importance of nutrition in reproductive health led to the company motto; Research – Evidence – Result.