in Nutrition I-Mag, June 2016
With one in six couples experiencing fertility issues, education around the role nutrition and lifestyle plays is crucial.
Over the past 20 years, fertility problems have increased dramatically. At least 25 per cent of couples planning a baby will have trouble conceiving, and more and more couples are turning to fertility treatments to help them have a family.
That is the view of Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health and author of books including Getting Pregnant Faster, in discussing the nation’s fertility issues. She also pointed out that, on average, young couples can expect to wait an average of three years before conceiving, and, as a result, very few doctors will consider a diagnosis of infertility until after at least a year has passed [...]
Mark Whitney, founder of Pillar Healthcare, which created the pre-Conceive supplement, pointed out:
In 2013, the last report from the UN, states that, ‘Fertility has declined significantly since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development’. Fertility in developed countries has been decreasing steadily from the 1950s. We are also starting to see fertility crisis’ being highlighted in the developing world, with Kenya the most recent country highlighting a fertility problem on its horizon...
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